- You can sign the Declaration here.
- A press release that can be used to share the launch of the Declaration is available here (Editable MS Word file here)
- Social media posts that can be used to share news of your signing is available on LinkedIn, Facebook and X.
- If you need help with the formal language, please see
- Commentary to help understand the declaration
- Simplified text (also in DE (Deutsch))
- Translations - currently only AR (اللغة العربية), DE (Deutsch), EN (English), FR (Français), and GR (ελληνικά) are available. Offers to translate the Declaration are gratefully accepted (please write to network@rights-centric.education).
WHEREAS the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was the first legally binding treaty recognizing children as the subjects of their own rights, obliging member states to respect, protect and fulfill every child’s civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; and
OBSERVING that § 5 of the UNCRC obliges the state to respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of the family of a child (parents, the members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom, and legal guardians) to provide appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise of the child’s rights by the child; and
EMPHASIZING that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ call (§ 26) to center Human Rights in education (“education shall be directed… to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms”) has been consistently reiterated in multiple instruments including, inter alia, The Convention Against Discrimination in Education (1960, §5), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966, §13), the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989 §29), and the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (2011); and
BEARING IN MIND that the United Nations General Assembly, in the “First Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education”, further reiterated this as “it is essential to ensure that educational objectives, practices and the organization of the schools are consistent with human rights values and principles”; and
RECALLING that General Comment 1 (2001) of the UNCRC on § 29 (1) “The Aims of Education”
- Recognized that education “goes far beyond formal schooling to embrace the broad range of life experiences and learning processes which enable children, individually and collectively, to develop their personalities, talents and abilities and to live a full and satisfying life within society"; and
- Called for “the fundamental reworking of curricula to include the various aims of education and the systematic revision of textbooks and other teaching materials and technologies, as well as school policies” in recognition that “approaches which do no more than seek to superimpose the aims and values of the article on the existing system without encouraging any deeper changes are clearly inadequate”; and
- Emphasized that “Efforts to promote the enjoyment of other rights must not be undermined, and should be reinforced, by the values imparted in the educational process. This includes not only the content of the curriculum but also the educational processes, the pedagogical methods and the environment within which education takes place, whether it be the home, school, or elsewhere”; and
- Presently mainstreamed practices of education evolved, and were mainstreamed, while children were considered property (of the state or parents); and
- This was several decades, sometimes even centuries, prior to the recognition of children as the subjects of their own rights by the UNCRC in 1989; and
- Therefore it is understandable that those mainstreamed practices of education do not explicitly center child rights; nevertheless
- Child rights are inalienable, indivisible, and interdependent and there cannot be any justification for practices of education to violate them; and
- While states have an obligation to compulsorily ensure access to at least primary education (UNCRC § 28) to all children without discrimination; and
- They maintain ‘schools’ as the institution established explicitly for the provision of education in fulfillment of their role as a duty bearer; and
- Therefore “it is essential to ensure that educational objectives, practices and the organization of the ‘schools’ are consistent with human rights values and principles”; nevertheless
- The recognition that education encompasses a “broad range of life experiences and learning processes” taking place at “the home, school, or elsewhere” makes it imperative that the protection of human rights values and principles be extended to all environments (institutional and non-institutional) providing education for the child.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, amplifying the call for education to be directed to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, CALL FOR all duty bearers with the responsibility to respect, protect and fulfill children’s rights to, in, and through education to
- absolutely and without reservation recognize children as the subjects of their own inalienable and indivisible civil, political, economic, social and cultural Rights; and
- define education of the child in broad terms as “all life experiences and learning processes which enable children, individually and collectively, to develop their personalities, talents and abilities and to live a full and satisfying life within society irrespective of whether they take place at home, school, or elsewhere”; and
- take progressive measures to fundamentally rework all practices of education to ensure they are consistent with human rights values and principles, especially the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; and
- ensure that this process of pulling education into alignment with human rights
- prioritizes human rights, and especially child rights, whenever they are in conflict with mainstreamed educational practice, even if the practice has widespread social and/or systemic acceptance; and
- includes taking progressive measures for the full implementation of all relevant instruments, including, inter alia, General Comment 1 (aims of education), General Comment 12 (right to be heard) and General Comment 13 (right to freedom from all forms of violence); and
- be prioritised in schools and other institutions, both state and non-state, established explicitly for the provision of education for the child; and
- includes also the non-institutional provision of education by the family of the child; and
- be mainstreamed by the “establishment of a Rights-Based Quality Assurance System for education in general” as called for in the First Phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education.
Signatories - Last Updated on Jan 7, 2025
- Rémi Crawford [The USA, France]
- Sai Montlleo [USA/ Mexico]
- O. Gerber [South Africa]
- Kaz [South Africa]
- Maya Hensen [South Africa]
- Thalia Hensen [South Africa]
- Lila [USA]
- Karl Rohrbeck [South Africa]
- Lente Rohrbeck [South Africa]
- Silke Rohrbeck [South Africa]
- Steil Sandra [Deutschland]
- Kian Celi [United Kingdom]
- Daisy Carr [United Kingdom]
- Henry Carr [United Kingdom]
- Dutheika Liyanage [Sri Lanka]
- Bonolo Mohapi [South Africa]
- Marten Luka [Deutschland]
- Sahil Manan [Sri Lanka]
- Niyanthree [Sri Lanka]
- Kayel Sahas Rupasinghe [Sri Lanka]
- Finja [Deutschland]
- Ida [Deutschland]
- Jasmyn [South Africa]
- Erika Vanessa Engelbrecht [South Africa]
- Orestis Blagg [United Kingdom]
- Sašo
- Aleks
- Max
- Jonny [United Kingdom]
- Harry Wilson [UK]
- We want HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL humans not just adults......separating human rights into separate catagories is what got us this way in the first place. And then asking to identify as a child or adult is wrong, I identify as HUMAN.
- Koan Oak [UK]
- Taya [Deutschland]
- Olive Hickmott [United Kingdom]
- Lucy Lackman [United States]
- CM Bassett [South Africa]
- Melanie Regenfuss [Deutschland]
- Lada Center [International cooperation]( YT)
- Stop Child Cruelty Trust [Sri Lanka]( LI FB IG X YT)
- CollectiveUP [Europe]( LI FB YT)
- Kinder Republic (School) [Sri Lanka]( LI FB IG X YT)
- The Green House Education Project C.I.C. (School) [United Kingdom]( FB IG )
- Radical Learning [International]( LI FB IG YT)
- Wilderness Learning Cooperative (School) [South Africa]( LI FB IG )
- Riverstone Village (School) [South Africa]( FB IG YT)
- The Wonders of this Place - CLIMATE EDUCATION [International]( LI FB IG YT)
- Evolving Education [International]( LI FB IG YT)
- Ťahanovská záhrada [Slovakia]( FB IG )
- Private Elementary School of Democratic Education in Kosice, Slovakia (School) [Slovakia]( FB IG YT)
- Evolving Education[International]( LI FB IG YT)
- Ťahanovská záhrada[Slovakia]( FB IG )
- Private Elementary School of Democratic Education in Kosice, Slovakia (School)[Slovakia]( FB IG YT)
- Aether Creative [Greece]( LI FB IG X )
- Educating Girls and Young Women for Development-EGYD (School) [Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa]( FB )
- En Skola Från Scratch [Sweden]( FB IG YT)
- Tankesmedjan Tillit [Sweden]( FB IG )
- Progressive Education [Founded in the UK, but relevant internationally]( LI FB IG X YT)
- Griha Shiksha Kendra [India]
- Alma Forest School (School) [Spain]( FB IG )
- Innovation World [International]( LI FB IG YT)
- Untigering [International]( LI FB IG X YT)
- Proactive Education for All Children's Enrichment (PEACE) (School) [Canada]
- Uniting for Children and Youth [International]
- Ottawa Public Education Remake Initiative [Canada]( FB )
- Deeper Learning Advocates [United States]( FB )
- Off Da Beaten Path Learning LLC [Founded in the United States, serving International]( YT)
- Garatge Hermetique Portbou/Oberhausen/Rotterdam [Spain/France/Germany/Netherlands]
- The New Forest Small School (School) [England]
- Akademie für selbstbestimmte Bildung [Deutschland]
- Wondering School [International]( LI FB IG YT)
- Sifaan Zavahir, Parent/Guardian, Co-Founder, Kinder Republic [Sri Lanka]
- Wendy Hendrickse, Parent/Guardian, Advocate for Child Rights [South Africa]
- stern, bertrand, Parent/Guardian, free philosopher [Germany]
- Klavdija Hočevar Kastelic, Parent/Guardian, Accounting and Auditing, Sustainable Children Advocacy [Republic of Slovenia]
- Sylvie Crawford, Parent/Guardian, Self-Directed Education advocate, Children’s rights advocate [USA, France]
- Julie Tirakian, Parent/Guardian, World Systems Solutions [United States]
- Paola Andrea Boccia, Parent/Guardian, Office Coordinator and individual member of the European Democratic Education Community "EUDEC", Co-founder and Manager of the former Democratic School in Nature "PlayaEscuela El Médano"
- Dr Joanna Sweetland, Parent/Guardian, Co-founder & Director, Streams Learning Hub CIC [UK]
- Richard Fransham, Parent/Guardian, Concerned citizen [Canada]
- Max Sauber, Parent/Guardian [Luxembourg, Germany]
- Nicola Gunning [United Kingdom]
- Dr Amy Slogrove, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Ryan Kelly, public school teacher and initiator of a Reverse Mentoring Program [USA]
- Ken Danford, founder of North Star, co-founder of Liberated Learners and author of Learning is Natural, School is Optional [USA]
- Alixandra Gaither, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Derry Hannam, retired teacher / deputy head teacher / British schools inspector and author of Another Way is Possible - Becoming a Democratic Teacher in a State School [UK]
- Sten Koritz, Retired [Sverige]
- Natasha Gossett [UK]
- Jens Peter de Pedro, Parent/Guardian, Educational Technology Designer [Sweden]
- Sari Gonzalez, Parent/Guardian, Co-Founder of Radical Learning [USA/ Mexico]
- Daniel Karrasch, Parent/Guardian [Germany]
- Teo Velasoc Koritz [Mexico, Sweden]
- Rebecka Koritz, Parent/Guardian [México]
- Sigrid Delmotte, Teacher [Belgium]
- Visakha Tillekeratne, Female, single, Facilitator of Children's Clubs [Sri Lanka]
- Julia Karrasch, Parent/Guardian [Germany]
- Seda Hild, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Edré Gerber, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Riaan Gerber, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Estelle du Plessis, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Thalia Prigge, co-founder of Riverstone Village and creator of MovePlayLove, championing the value of Play [South Africa]
- Tasneem, Parent/Guardian
- Béo Clements, Age 19 [South Africa]
- Je'anna Clements, Parent/Guardian, Co-founder Riverstone Village 192-488NPO, of Full Human Rights Experience Education (FHREE) and Founding member of Rights-Centric Education Network. [South Africa]
- Frank Baumann, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Alai Marquínez [Spain]
- Alec Crawford, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Carola Käbisch, Parent/Guardian, Potentialentfalter [Deutschland]
- YARA JOUD, Parent/Guardian [Qatar]
- Barbara Rieche, Parent/Guardian [Germany]
- Angelika Michel [Deutschland]
- Alora Jeffers, Parent/Guardian, Alora Jeffers Rehab Tech for Brain and Spine [United States]
- Renske Kruize, Parent/Guardian [Sweden, Netherlands]
- Michael August, Educational facilitator, researcher, and advocate, librarian and artist. [United States]
- Emma Granville, Parent/Guardian, Strategic Director [eSwatini]
- Antje Hoffmann, Parent/Guardian, Antje Hoffmann [Deutschland]
- Natasha McIntoshBerry, Professional Tutor [UK/Australia/South Africa]
- Carmen Benito, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Mary-Anne Hatton, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Nadine Jensen, Parent/Guardian, Kommunikationstrainer und Coach [Deutschland]
- Wilma Wiid Rohrbeck, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Deborah Schiel Zaini, Parent/Guardian [Australia]
- Shylet Mutarika, Parent/Guardian, Self directed Facilitator [Zimbabwe]
- Nollaig Rydz, Parent/Guardian
- Volker Schneider, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Katja Senkel [Deutschland]
- Alison Snieckus, Raritan Learning Cooperative, New Jersey, USA [United States]
- May Scorey, Parent/Guardian [United Kingdom]
- Selva Lorenz [Spain]
- Matthias Barth, Parent/Guardian
- Kajsa Nilsson, Parent/Guardian [Sverige]
- Anneli Nilsson [Sweden]
- Canan Grieb, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Elin Johansson, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Dr Ashwini de Abrew, Parent/Guardian [Sri Lanka]
- Louise Pihlgren, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Lady Sara Vinterdag, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Linda Hagman, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Juraj Mazák, Parent/Guardian [Slovakia]
- Dileepa Manawadu, Parent/Guardian, Child Rights Advocate/Co-founder Kinder Republic [Sri Lanka]
- Emma Westman, Parent/Guardian [Refugee in Finland]
- Christina Ann McKellar, Parent/Guardian [Czech Republic]
- Claudia Celi, Parent/Guardian [United Kingdom]
- Adam Carr, Parent/Guardian, IT professional [United Kingdom]
- Marie Hjalmarsson, Parent/Guardian [Sverige]
- Eva Elfström, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Prof. Nicola Tynan, Parent/Guardian [USA]
- Lena Penno Andersson, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Anna, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Emma Carr, Parent/Guardian, Former Teacher [United Kingdom]
- Lauren Smith [United Kingdom]
- Emma stolfer, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Ida, Parent/Guardian
- Sona Slovakova, Parent/Guardian [Slovakia]
- Ľudka, Parent/Guardian [Slovakia]
- Eva Halasova, Parent/Guardian [Slovakia]
- Johny Diderich, Parent/Guardian [Luxembourg]
- Nicolina Hanell, Parent/Guardian [Finland]
- Emelie Ericsson Beskow, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Hillevi Stråge, Parent/Guardian, Nurse and Parenting coach [Sweden]
- Anna, Parent/Guardian
- Dr Hayley Smith, Parent/Guardian, Clinical Psychologist & Systemic Family Psychotherapist [United Kingdom]
- Willem Bosch, Parent/Guardian, Director [United Kingdom]
- Maria Isabel Acosta Lopez, Parent/Guardian, Maria Isabel Acosta Lopez [Sweden]
- Ida, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Zanele Makoti, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Daniela Ruelas 🌉, Parent/Guardian, Daniela Ruelas [México City]
- Wendy Morris, Parent/Guardian [UK]
- Birte Haukebö, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Theodore Hensen, Parent/Guardian [Qatar]
- Sofia, Parent/Guardian, Art educator [Sweden]
- Sofie Bergstrand, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- R E Cowley [South Africa]
- Deirdre Fanner, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Nadia Lynn Erlendson, Parent/Guardian [USA]
- Karin Nilsson, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Linda Kramer, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Thilini Liyanage, Parent/Guardian [Sri Lanka]
- Laila Joud, Parent/Guardian [Canada]
- Moipone p, Parent/Guardian, Moipone [South Africa]
- Karin Hollartz, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Oskar, Parent/Guardian, Podcaster [Sweden]
- Melina, Parent/Guardian, Erziehungswissenschaft
- Corinna Fee, Parent/Guardian, Transformationsbegleiterin [Deutschland]
- Alexandra Osterath, Parent/Guardian, Arbeitgeber [Deutschland]
- Hanna Löfhede, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Bria Bloom, Parent/Guardian, Executive Directory, Alliance for Self-Directed Education [United States of America]
- Marini Nadinka Wannakuwatte, Chartered Human Resource Professional [Sri Lanka]
- Karina, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Kitty (weiblich, verheiratet, Mutter von zwei wundervollen Töchtern und Individualpsychologischer Coach nach ADLER und Kinder und Jugendcoach), Parent/Guardian, Individualpsychologischer Coach und Kinder - und Jugend Coach
- Katrin, Parent/Guardian [Germany]
- Minje Langenbuch, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Mathilde Agborg, Parent/Guardian [Sweden/Denmark]
- Thomas Grundig, Parent/Guardian, Lernbegleiter [Deutschland]
- Sabine van Lück, Parent/Guardian [Germany]
- Julia von Rummell, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Sarah Wallus Hancock, Parent/Guardian, Youth Rights Advocate [United States of America]
- Ina Tappenbeck-Bartram, Parent/Guardian, Mami als Ressourcenmanagerin für gelingende Potentialentfaltung [Als Mensch verbunden mit Mutter Erde]
- Evangelos Vlachakis, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- July, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Daniel, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Mikael Sethson, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Emely Gruwert, Parent/Guardian, Visionär [Sweden]
- Jessica, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Carina Göpfert, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Stelios Pantazidis, Adjunct Lecturer in Faculty of Education, Greece [Greece]
- Corinna, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Joanna Långberg, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Ifigenia Panagiotou, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- Riaan Engelbrecht, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Anja Maria Leuk, Parent/Guardian, Lernbegleiterin [Deutschland]
- Georgia, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- Nadia Pinatsi, Parent/Guardian [Greece, Germany]
- Julia P. BA, MA, Parent/Guardian, Sozialpädagogin [Österreich]
- Mahalia Barrick MA [United States of America]
- Michelle Maitri-Mudita, M.Ed [United States of America]
- Galateia Papacharalampous, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- Juliana Gjyzeli, Parent/Guardian, Therapist [Greece]
- Georgia Vamvouka, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- Kristina Reunanen, Parent/Guardian [Sweden]
- Mx Jen Nuin Smith, Parent/Guardian, Founder of Little Forest, an eco-democratic learning community [United Kingdom]
- Eleni Tara Blazaki, Parent/Guardian, Holistic Therapist,Concious Movement Teacher,Paedagoge [Greece]
- Bianca Reininghaus, Teacher, Blogger, Activist [Germany]
- Carina Herr, IT project manager; teacher [Germany]
- Natalie Wiederstein, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Sonja Sentočnik, Parent/Guardian, Hiša znanja dr. Sentočnik [Slovenia]
- Ida Štimec, Parent/Guardian, Primary Education Teacher [Slovenia]
- Claudia Wiesner, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Juliana gjyzeli, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- Anastasia Patala, Parent/Guardian, Artist [Hellas]
- Hayati Rassool [Sri Lanka]
- Tomas Vestin, Parent/Guardian [Sverige]
- Rok kastelic, Parent/Guardian [Slovenia]
- Zoey Hyams (she/fae), The Children's Community STL [USA]
- Dr. Ulrike, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Isabelle DECHAMPS, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Ανθή, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- Brigita Cernjavic, Parent/Guardian [Slovenija]
- Isabella, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Daphne, Parent/Guardian [Greece and roumania]
- Claudia Celi, Parent/Guardian [United Kingdom]
- Elena Papastylianou, Parent/Guardian [United Kingdom]
- Laina, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- :alenka [from-the-family-Nemanič], Parent/Guardian [World Citizenship - Stateless]
- Alenka Nemanič, Parent/Guardian, Human and Children's Rights Advocate, UPR Specialist [Slovenia, Austria]
- Petra Frank, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Lindsay Bramhill, Parent/Guardian, Teacher / youth worker / healthcare [United Kingdom]
- Elke Ke., Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Stefan Kiessling, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Erny Sauber [Luxemburg]
- Sylvia Mensing, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- S c h w a r z, Gabi, Mama [Österreich]
- Matthias, Parent/Guardian, Teil einer Elterngruppe [Deutschland]
- Jamie Teppo, Parent/Guardian [USA]
- Canan Grieb, Parent/Guardian, Selbstständig [Deutschland]
- Danielle Davis, The Rights of Every Child [US]
- Martina Thaler, Parent/Guardian [Luxemburg Italien]
- Govert van Ginkel LL.M. [The Netherlands]
- Olga Kulesza, Parent/Guardian, Bullerbyn Foundation [Polska]
- Joshua Wachtel, Parent/Guardian, Core Staff, North Star Self-Directed Learning for Teens [USA]
- Sara Nicholson, Educational Consulting & Career Advising - By the Seasons [Canada]
- May Ling Thomas [UK]
- Christine Greiner BA, Parent/Guardian, BA inklusive Bildung und Erziehung [Deutschland]
- Julia Landis, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Lotte Kreissler MA, Parent/Guardian, Educator and visionary [Austria]
- Stephanie, Parent/Guardian, Doula [Deutschland]
- Mojca Cesar, Parent/Guardian, A homeschooling mom [Slovenia]
- karolina, Parent/Guardian [Slivenia]
- Melanie Regenfuss, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Clive Cobie, Little Forest Education [United Kingdom]
- Timothy Rutherford, Parent/Guardian [United Kingdom]
- Cassie Best [Portugal]
- Susan Alton, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Beth Hankoff, Educator [United States]
- Viki, Parent/Guardian [Poland]
- Ms Shenel Shefik, Parent/Guardian [UK]
- Roxane Maar, Parent/Guardian [Denmark]
- Catina Franklin Sweedy, Embark Center for Self-Directed Education [United States]
- Joseph E. Petta, Parent/Guardian, Parent, Concerned citizen [USA]
- Daniel Moeller, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Georges Pfeiffenschneider, Parent/Guardian, world citizen [Luxembourg]
- Chris Beamis, Parent/Guardian [uSA]
- Sandra Banks, Parent/Guardian, Tagesmutter [Deutschland]
- Stephanie McDowell, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Kaley White [United States]
- Irene Diaz, Parent/Guardian, Self-Directed Learning Facilitator
- Linda Bav [U.S.A.]
- Saskia Swora, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Karanbir Singh, Parent/Guardian, Founder, Learning Median; CLO, Evolving in Education [India]
- Margaret Love Bennett, MFA, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Tessa K Henry, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Emma Batchelor [England]
- Frank Baumann, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Joyce O'Halloran, Deeper Learning Advocates [United States]
- Dakota Altman, Conservation Storyteller and Photography Instructor [United States]
- Anna Ginos, Parent/Guardian, Outdoor educator [Greece]
- Renaud Labuschagne, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Cassandra Bassett, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Annie Friday, Parent/Guardian [US]
- Dr Natalie Rothwell-Warn, Parent/Guardian, Sustainable Education Systems/Independent researcher/Writer/Action for overhauling the current education system [UK]
- Kale Arnof [United States]
- Gita Mateja de Laat, Parent/Guardian
- Jerneja, Parent/Guardian [Slovenija]
- Sylvia Smith, Parent/Guardian, Retired teacher, persent-day activist, grandmother, and upholder of "playing fair" in all aspects of life. [Canada]
- Richard Sharpe, Parent/Guardian, Anti-racism advocate, speaker and parent [Canada]
- Daniel Shrewsbury, Teacher [United Kingdom]
- Mrs Stephanie Randall, Parent/Guardian [United Kingdom]
- Jean-MaMa, Parent/Guardian, Parent and media practitioner [Canada]
- Melanie Regenfuss, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Peter Bergson, Parent/Guardian, parent, grandparent, co-founder of two learning centers, creative process consultant [United States]
- Jason Morgan, Parent/Guardian [United States]
- Ifigenia Panagiotou, Parent/Guardian [Greece]
- Lena Müllerleile
- Ing. Robert Masser, Parent/Guardian [Österreich]
- Claudia, Parent/Guardian [Germany]
- Linda, Parent/Guardian [Austria]
- Candice Loots, Parent/Guardian [South Africa]
- Melanie Regenfuss, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Sanja Liebermann, Sociocracy Center Leipzig [Germany]
- Julia Sehring, Parent/Guardian [Deutschland]
- Elena Noseda, Parent/Guardian, Biophilia Project Founder [Italy]
- Nadja, Parent/Guardian [Austria]
- Linda Lindh, Parent/Guardian [Sverige]
- Cecilia Flöje, Parent/Guardian [sweden]
- Rüdiger Bachamnn, Parent/Guardian [Dedutschland]
- Dr. Poulomi Chakravarty, Founder, Global Climate Association [India]
- Sylvia Smith, Parent/Guardian, Founder of Project of Heart [Canada]
- Lisa Marie-Therese Janesch, Privater zweisprachiger Kindergarten: Kindergarten Sunrise, Lake Side Park, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee [Österreich]
- Alicia de Guadalupe Castillo Sapién, Parent/Guardian, MOM [México]
- Dr Emmanuelle Araujo Calçada [France]