Support us

There are many different ways to support us, depending on your interest and capacity, largely independent of age

  1. Sounds interesting, but I don't want to make any commitments?
    Pass the message to anyone who might be interested - tell them about this website, and/or share our Social Media profiles: LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, X (possibly also tagging people)
  2. Sounds interesting, but I just want to stay up-to-date
    Please join our email mailing list, and/or follow us on Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, X
  3. The Declaration of Child Rights-Centric Education sounds good - I want to sign
    Great. You can "sign" the declaration here. If you can also publicize it (e.g. post on social media, send on your email newsletter, write to the press, etc - we will have some templates soon) it would be helpful. 
  4. I want to find out more details before deciding how to get involved
    You can write to us at, DM us on Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, X). If your question concerns a specific post on Social Media, you can comment on it.
  5. I have experience supporting young people to access education in a way that respects their Rights and want to contribute to the Rights-Central Education Network
    Wonderful! Please review the Articles of Association, and if you agree to it, you can join by completing the form here
  6. I have experience supporting young people to access education in a way that respects their Rights and I would like to be part of the Rights-Centric Education Framework
    Wonderful! We will be working on this after the public launch of the Declaration at the INSPIRE Education Summit (Virtual, 18-25 November, Free Registration here). Please check-back later, or use one of the options above to be notified when we are ready.