Who can sign the Declaration?

Now that the text of the Declaration on Child Rights-Centric Education is finalized, we will shortly commence accepting signatures in support of it from

  1. Children. We consider Children signing the declaration be an exercise of their Right to be Heard:
    Art. 12 of the UNCRC: "States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child"
  2. Adults. If the adult is a Parent / Guardian, signing the declaration is an exercise of their Responsibility, Right and Duty to provide appropriate direction and guidance to their Child/ren in the exercise of their Rights:
    Art. 5 of the UNCRC: "States Parties shall respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents or, where applicable, the members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom, legal guardians or other persons legally responsible for the child, to provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the present Convention."
  3. Organizations, where we identify
    1. Is the organization a State institution?
      When a UN member state ratifies the convention on the Rights of the Child (at present every member state except the USA has ratified it), it is a commitment for all state entities to respect (ensure they don't violate rights), protect (ensure non-state actors do not violate rights) and fulfill (take necessary steps to realize) the Rights of the Child.
    2. Is the organization a School?
      Any organization that is considered a School for children plays a role in realizing Children's Rights to, in and through education. This need not be a State School, Art. 29 2 of the UNCRC allows for non-State Actors to establish schools: "No part of the present article or article 28 shall be construed so as to interfere with the liberty of individuals and bodies to establish and direct educational institutions, subject always to the observance of the principle set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article and to the requirements that the education given in such institutions shall conform to such minimum standards as may be laid down by the State."
    3. Is the organization providing for Children's Rights to, in and through education even though it is not a school?